Estonian athletes, sponsored by PiixPay achieved great results in the Windsurfing World Championship

Martin Ervin, sponsored by PiixPay took the third place and Frank Ervin came in twelfth in the Windsurfing World Championship.
The Formula Windsurfing World Championship took place in Portimão, Algarve, southern Portugal. Martin Ervin and Frank Ervin, both sponsored by PiixPay, achieved great results in the competition.

Despite all efforts, the weather conditions did the competitors no favors. As a result, competitors were only able to compete on three out of five days, completing 7 races during the course of the championship.
Janis Preiss was declared the 2019 Formula Windsurfing World Champion. Miguel Martinho took a well-deserved third place. Martin Ervin fought hard for a place on the Podium, stepping up to claim the third place trophy. Frank Ervin finished the competition in 12th place.