Verification levels

Swapin offers a smooth verification process for all users. For individuals, we recommend starting with the minimum level of verification, so you can start using Swapin as quickly as possible. Then, you can upgrade to the next level later on.

Provide ID
(2 minutes)
Buy crypto
Up to 10 000 EUR monthly
Sell crypto
SwapinGet, SwapinPay
Payments to your own bank account
Up to 4 000 EUR monthly
Sign up
Provide ID and proof of address
Buy crypto
Up to 20 000 EUR daily, 35 000 EUR monthly
Named IBAN
Sell crypto
SwapinGet, SwapinPay
Payments to any bank account
Up to 5 000 EUR daily, 15 000 EUR monthly
Sign up
Provide ID, proof of address and financial info
Buy crypto
Limits are set based on provided financial info.
Named IBAN
Sell crypto
SwapinGet, SwapinPay
Payments to any bank account
Limits are set based on provided financial info.
Business verification
Our business verification process ensures that you can enjoy the full range of Swapin's services while maintaining security and convenience.
Required documents
Company representative ID
Proof of incorporation
Ownership and management information
Financial information
Unlimited Volume
Transaction limits are set based on provided financial information
Sell Crypto
Use SwapinGet and SwapinPay to sell crypto or pay invoices
Buy Crypto
Use SwapinBuy to buy crypto with bank account
Payments in your name
Buy crypto with a Named IBAN for smooth transactions