SwapinBuy fees apply for both personal and business accounts.
SwapinPay fees apply for both personal and business accounts.
SwapinGet fees apply for both personal and business accounts.
SwapinCollect fees apply to a payer, an end customer, who pays a merchant’s invoice.
95% of Swapin crypto-to-fiat transactions are processed in 5 mins or less. However, national bank holidays and weekends might affect the waiting times for non-instant SEPA bank transfers.
Visit the European Central Bank page to see the interactive map of countries in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA).
You can check any IBAN for Instant SEPA support (SCT-inst) on this page.
As stated in our Terms of Service we may ask you additional details about your transactions to comply with AML regulations. Fees for non EEA clients will be calculated based on the use case.