Licensed and engineered in the EU
Select crypto to withdraw
Choose the cryptocurrency and amount you want to convert to EUR.
Create SwapinGet wallet address
You can have a SwapinGet wallet address for each cryptocurrency and network with receiving bank account details.
Transfer crypto, receive EUR
From your wallet, send the crypto you want to withdraw to the provided wallet address. It will be quickly converted to EUR and sent to your bank account using your Named IBAN.
Currently, you can withdraw BTC, ETH, BCH, DASH, LTC, USDT, USDC, Dai, TRX, BNB, TON.
95% of our transactions are completed in 5 minutes. Instant SEPA-enabled bank accounts take minutes, while regular SEPA may take about 1 business day.
No. Each time you want to cash out crypto, you send the desired amount of crypto to the address, we will convert it and send it to your bank account immediately.
Both individual and business customers in EEA (European Economic Area).